terpaksa la berblogging via phone, tapi feel tu kurang la sbb touch screen, mcm lembab gila kalau nk tulis panjang2.
anyway, quick updates :
1. i dah tuka keje..sedih sgt sbb sgt suka company lama, but life goes on and i have to move on for a better life, better future, InsyaAllah..
2. vivy x sehat, berjangkit dari ku demam selsema batuk :( kesian sgt dah la x pandai hembus hingus, bernafas ikut mulut. pastu batuk bunyi cam tercekik, berapa kali me & hubs terjaga dr tidur terus melompat bgn from katil bila dgr dia batuk, horror sgt :(
3. mommy bergaji stengah bulan je, sedehhhh. lenkali nak tuka keje sila tukar at the end or the beginning of the month. klu tgh2 bln masuk company baru cmni lah nasibnye tsk tsk
May 28, 2012
May 14, 2012
happy mother's day to me !
yeay it's my first time celebrating mother's day as a mother hihihi, actually xde la celebrate pun sbb vivy kecik lagi and she doesn't know how to celebrate it pun, tapi pedulikkannn biar mommy yg feeling sorg2 hahaha.
pagi tu kami anak beranak bangun awal pagi sebab nak ikut daddy gi Puchong main badminton.
pastu terus ke baby expo kat Mid Valley, pegi la nak borong
pampers, memula nak beli Mamypoko cam biasa, tp cakap kat hubs jom la
try Whoopie kali ni, murah and ramai org cakap kualiti bagus, so beli la
2 peket, humang aihhh berat gila, dah la mommy sakit kaki, muscle pain
gara2 pegi jungle trekking last thursday, sobs, jalan terjengket2 sobs. pastu sebab dah janji dgn kawan2 lain kol 5.30pm nak gi rumah our friend Nana & Lok to visit their newborn baby Umar
Eusoff, utk membuang masa ktorg singgah Bangsar Village,
dah habis pusing2 ehhh baru pukul 2 lebih, singgah ke Sunway Pyramid plak membuang
masa kat Starbucks.
May 11, 2012
Viviana is 6 months today !
my baby is 6 months old today so she's ready for solid food yeay ! hopefully lepas ni berat dia makin bertambah hihi.
soooooo, i got a new gadget sempena Vivy starts solid ! It's Beaba Babycook ! yeah the price is expensive in Malaysia, the cheapest i saw was rm599, and the range is up to rm700, auchhhh. but, i pesan kat kawan yg pegi London last 2 weeks, and the price is wayyyyy cheaper :):):):)
the Babycook is super easy to use. it has 4 functions, cook/steam, blend, reheat and defrost, all in 1 machine, suka suka suka !
the whole set
it comes with a recipe book !
tak banyak resipi pun, tapi dlm banyak2 languages
so basically all you have to do is steam the fruit/vege/meat, it takes about 10 mins to steam fruits and 15 mins to steam the meat. then blend it and tadaaaaa siap !
so yesterday i made apple puree for Vivy !
i just used 1 apple (peeled skin) and i got 5 cubes of apple purees ! enough for the 4-days rules
it comes in 3 sizes, mine is 1oz sbb Vivy just started solid, will buy bigger sizes later :)
more info here --> Beaba Babycook
more info here --> Beaba Babycook
May 8, 2012
Ar Ridzuan Medical Centre, Ipoh : Review
Dah 6 bulan beranak baru teringat nak tulis entry ni hehe. Unfortunately takde gambar facilities ke pape ke yg bleh dibuat reference pun. Just nak tulis about my personal experience giving birth and staying there for 1 night in last November 2011.
Like what i wrote in my bersalin entry, kene admit masuk ward lepas nurse sahkan mmg ade contraction. nurse2 sume baik2, lemah lembut je. everytime nak masuk bilik patient, ketuk and "Assalamualaikum Puan, saya nak check bla bla bla" camtu, tak ke tenang je hati kite yg tgh sakit ni? hehe good job nurses !
btw, i dapat single room, boleh tahan la luas dia, sbb ward dah penuh kot time tu so i dpt bilik sebelah labor room ahahah senang nak gi check2 ke tayah turun naik lif.
Food provided pun boleh laa, takde la sedap tahap menu hotel cm Prince Court ke tapi kite tgh sakit2 tu sedap mcm mana pun tak lalu makan kot. so telan saja buat bekalan tenaga masa meneran kang kononnya. dlm sakit2 tu habis jugak la setengah pinggan, lg setengah Abah habiskan. Breakfast dia bagi roti dgn milo, lunch haritu adalah ikan goreng masak sambal dgn nasi. simple2 je.
Doktor yg sambut Viviana was Dr Raofah. kalau google psl Ar Ridzuan ni mmg nama doktor ni la selalu naik. baik doktor ni, lemah lembut, and trust me die jahit luka kt bwh tu sgt cantik, lepas discharge tu everytime pergi klinik kesihatan nearby mesti nurse sana cakap jahitan cantik, kemas. i mean jgn pandang remeh la part jahit2 ni sbb some docs or nurses jahit bleh terbukak balik :( and trust me once dah jahit jgn mimpi la nak suruh jahit lg skali. jahit sejurus lepas beranak okay lagi, sbb u dah rasa sakit sgt2 masa contraction tu so lepastu stakat jahit tu alahhh tak rase ape pun haha. and of course la die bius pain killer kan. but can't imagine kalau jahitan tu terbukak and nk kne jahit lg skali blurghhhh nauzubillah !
btw i did few monthly check ups with Dr Roafah. kalau nak jumpe die ni baiklah dtg Ar Ridzuan awal2 pagi. kalau tak berjanggut jugak nk tunggu turn sbb ramai sgt patient dia.
lepas baby keluar, dah jahit and settle sume2 tu, i dipindahkan ke ward yg btol2 la, 1 level atas labor room. dpt single room jugak, tp bilik ni kecik sket dr bilik yg sebelah labor room td. ada kerusi malas tu so malam tu hubs tido situ. memula konon2 nak room in dgn baby, tapi kol 2 pagi cmtu Vivy melalak kaw2 punye smpi hubs and i panik taktau nak buat ape terus tekan loceng panggil nurse. nak susu rupanya anak mommy ni. last2 nurse bwk Vivy gi nursery, then mommy and daddy baru dpt tido and rehat btol2.
esok nya tu blur taktau nak buat apa dah kat hospital tu haha. so tunggu nurse and doc dtg check petang kol 3 tu dah discharge. sempat la lunch kat situ, die bagi lauk ayam uollls, opah tgk bising die hehe.
so overall berpuas hati, takde ape pun yg nak dikomplenkan. total bill believe it or not less than rm2k, kat KL bleh dpt cmtu? nan hado. so warga ipoh, meh la beranak kat Ar Ridzuan..recommended ! eh tapi mommies yg rase2 nak mintak epidural tu, kat Ar Ridzuan takde yer, taktau la die tak galakkan ke or time i mintak tu dh lambat sgt ke tp time sakit2 rasa nak giveup tu terus lemah semangat bila mintak epidural kat nurse and that nurse cakap "maaf puan, kami tak provide epidural kat sini" DANG !
Mommy and Daddy like,
May 7, 2012
Mothercare 25th Anniversary Party !
Hello !
Hubs received a sms inviting us to join the Mothercare 25th Anniversary Party in KLCC on 6th May 2012, few days later I registered as a blogger to get the VIP tix to the party, so last Sunday we went there before noon, as the party actually started at 12pm.
Hubs received a sms inviting us to join the Mothercare 25th Anniversary Party in KLCC on 6th May 2012, few days later I registered as a blogger to get the VIP tix to the party, so last Sunday we went there before noon, as the party actually started at 12pm.
the VIP tix
meriah !
goodies for those yg registered as a blogger, kite dpt toys elephant tu
makcik kecik yg skang sibuk mencapai semua benda
dalam goodies bag tu kami dpt one mystery gift from Mothercare, bukak2 dapat voucher rm20 for Gingersnaps, apalagi terus masuk Gingersnaps yang memang berada kat sebelah Mothercare tu utk grab ape2 yg tak mahal sgt haha. so dapat one dress yg ada 20% discount plus rm20 voucher hihihi sukaaaa
we love u Mothercare ! selalu2 la buat sale okay ! ;p
ear & forehead thermometer
been looking for an ear thermometer as it was soooo hard to check vivy's temperature sbb dia slalu meronta2 kalau try
guna armpit thermometer or the film thermometer. tp ear punye quite expensive, slalunya jumpa mesti rm200 plus, so
KIV jela dlu.
sekali jalan2 semalam i found this !
ear & forehead thermometer by Beaba ! and it's rm120 after 20% discount at The Baby Loft.
more accurate kan kalau ukur temperature telinga, so mommy suka !
more info about The Baby Loft :
their website
Address :
both branches dekat dgn rumah so sgt suka pegi this shop, owner die Chinese lady yg sgt kind and friendly :) and register as member nanti dpt member card and entitled for discounts ! (sbb tu dpt 20% beli termometer tu). shop dekat Publika luas lagi drpd Desa Parkcity branch tapi 2-2 pun best.
ear & forehead thermometer by Beaba ! and it's rm120 after 20% discount at The Baby Loft.
more accurate kan kalau ukur temperature telinga, so mommy suka !
more info about The Baby Loft :
their website
Address :
- (HQ) Lot 43, Level G3, Publika Shopping Mall, Solaris Dutamas, Jalan Dutamas 1, 50480, Kuala Lumpur. ( Parking Entrance West Gate , B2, B3 Red Zone)
- (Outlet) FF21, The Waterfront @ Parkcity, 5 Persiaran Residen, Desa Parkcity 52200 Kuala Lumpur
both branches dekat dgn rumah so sgt suka pegi this shop, owner die Chinese lady yg sgt kind and friendly :) and register as member nanti dpt member card and entitled for discounts ! (sbb tu dpt 20% beli termometer tu). shop dekat Publika luas lagi drpd Desa Parkcity branch tapi 2-2 pun best.
April 23, 2012
Kampung Pengantin Kuala Lumpur
last weekend kami ke Kampung Pengantin Kuala Lumpur, attending majlis akikah & cukur jambul anak sepupu hubs. Kampung Pengantin ni terletak kat Setapak. dulu kat tempat lain, atas tanah, sesuai and cantik sgt buat garden wedding. tapi skang dia dah pindah ke atas bangunan, lot2 kedai, dekat area situ2 jugak, tingkat 3. so dah tak berapa garden lah sebab dah masuk dlm building. but still ada balkoni yg cantik maka bleh la feeling ala2 sky garden hihi.
tema nye biru. air yg dihidangkan pun biru. ada marhaban, etc. daku tatau sgt adat2 ni so tgk jela kan. nama baby nye Mohd Aisar Haziq. baik sgt, behave. takde nangis2 pun kene kerumun org ramai. gambar baby nye tade hahaha, sempat snap yg dlm frame tu je :)
oh btw Vivy pun behave sangat. budak ni mmg suka keluar jalan2. nak tidurkan dia pun mommy takyah berusaha keras mcm kat rumah. jalan pusing satu dewan tup tup dah tido. good girl. hihi.
review of Kampung Pengantin : new location ni susah nak cari jgk la haha, sebab tak sangka dia ada kat atas kedai2. so mata kena pandang atas sket masa tgh cari jalan tu hihi. overall okay, makanan pun sedap, yg candies bar tu (ade cuppies, coklat, cookies, mineral water ; all labeled ikut tema) was prepared by Kampung Pengantin themselves :)
below are the links to their blog and FB :
April 16, 2012
choosing a stroller
sebelum pregnant lagi me and hubs mmg suka usha stroller, hahaha. dah pregnant lagi la gila usha, sebab both hubs and i memang gila baby's gadget. dulu2 usha DSLR la ipad la, sekarang usha menda lain pulak.
and jangan tak tau, sebab stroller ni pun kitaorang laki bini leh gaduh. haha. hubs suka yg tayar besar tu, tapi kitaorang naik kereta kecik je yg sah-sah bonet tak muat nak isi stroller. as for myself, i prefer something yg handy, senang nak handle kot2 mommy keluar dating berdua je dgn vivy, konon la kan. tp dalam hati mmg suka tgk yg tayar besar tu, sangat hensem, tapi bila memikirkan bonet kereta tu yg kureng sikit.
so berbulan2 jugak la tak sepakat laki bini psl hal ni. dari masa mengandung sampai habis pantang belum decide. antara stroller yg masuk dlm list :
Halford Zuzz 4
tetiba die letak syarat kalau nak beli Buzz nak yg rim hitam pulakk, iaitu special edition.. price dlm 2.5k to 3k. pastu kat kedai memang tak jumpa la. kat online shops ade la beberapa kerat tapi beza harga dia almost rm500 kotttt utk rim hitam semata2. tak kuasa la i uolsss. dah tak sepakat balik, sbb i said if rm3k baik la tambah sikit lagi amek Bugaboo terus. Pulakk...

Bugaboo Cameleon
price dlm rm3.5k, perasan tak pic atas tu rim die hitam? yg tu special edition jugak yer, and mahal dlm rm500 jugak dr yg biasa. perlu ke? tidak. stroller nye dah berkenan, tapi tak sepakat jgk sbb hubs nak yg black rim. sampai merajuk2 la kan dibuatnya. last2 dia ikutkan jugak la bini dia ni maka ke Curve la kami sebab nak beli terus ni ! kononnye laa. sampai sana dia kate color yg kitorg nak takde, kena order plak tunggu berminggu2 plak. so try our luck pegi mothercare BSC. ade ! dah jumpa ! color pun dah ok. tapi nak tau tak, hubs die pandang cammy ni skali lalu je, die bleh berdiri lama2 plak sebelah stroller kt bwh ni :
I memang masuk2 mothercare dah pandang dia ni, tapi buat2 tak nampak sebab tau harga dia. tp hubs dok wink2 plak, sambil suruh i pegang sendiri. of course la suukaaaaaaaaaaaa gila kottt, dah la purple. sobs. siap kasi vivy test duduk dlm tu and she looked so comfy in it. maka ni lah stroller yg kami sepakat 100% tanpa ada sebarang bantahan langsung.
review on stokke : xplory ni mmg bulky. maka yg naik kereta kecik seperti kami ni, stroller ni duduk kat seat yer. tp puas hati. sbb gorgeous sgt. and dia bleh jadi cm high chair jugak. quality material mmg superb.
review on mothercare BSC : hoih ni lah mothercare paling best skali kt KL. luas, staffs sume baik2, very helpful. maybe sbb tempat org kaya2 kot, eh. ada nursing room sndri. and tak crowded, tu penting.
and jangan tak tau, sebab stroller ni pun kitaorang laki bini leh gaduh. haha. hubs suka yg tayar besar tu, tapi kitaorang naik kereta kecik je yg sah-sah bonet tak muat nak isi stroller. as for myself, i prefer something yg handy, senang nak handle kot2 mommy keluar dating berdua je dgn vivy, konon la kan. tp dalam hati mmg suka tgk yg tayar besar tu, sangat hensem, tapi bila memikirkan bonet kereta tu yg kureng sikit.
so berbulan2 jugak la tak sepakat laki bini psl hal ni. dari masa mengandung sampai habis pantang belum decide. antara stroller yg masuk dlm list :

Ni yg mula2 sekali berkenan, tgk kat baby shop kat The Curve. comel jugak, harga below rm1k, kalau beli skali dgn car seat die (Babio) bleh dpt below rm1.2k. Masa jalan-jalan kat Sogo terserempak dgn harga lagi murah, dah nak beli dah ni, sekali kat sebelah die tu ade yg lg comel seperti di bawah ni.


price dlm rm3.5k, perasan tak pic atas tu rim die hitam? yg tu special edition jugak yer, and mahal dlm rm500 jugak dr yg biasa. perlu ke? tidak. stroller nye dah berkenan, tapi tak sepakat jgk sbb hubs nak yg black rim. sampai merajuk2 la kan dibuatnya. last2 dia ikutkan jugak la bini dia ni maka ke Curve la kami sebab nak beli terus ni ! kononnye laa. sampai sana dia kate color yg kitorg nak takde, kena order plak tunggu berminggu2 plak. so try our luck pegi mothercare BSC. ade ! dah jumpa ! color pun dah ok. tapi nak tau tak, hubs die pandang cammy ni skali lalu je, die bleh berdiri lama2 plak sebelah stroller kt bwh ni :
I memang masuk2 mothercare dah pandang dia ni, tapi buat2 tak nampak sebab tau harga dia. tp hubs dok wink2 plak, sambil suruh i pegang sendiri. of course la suukaaaaaaaaaaaa gila kottt, dah la purple. sobs. siap kasi vivy test duduk dlm tu and she looked so comfy in it. maka ni lah stroller yg kami sepakat 100% tanpa ada sebarang bantahan langsung.
kopakkkkkk poket, orang lain dpt bonus beli handbag coach etc tp mommy kau? hadoiihh tapi sukaaaa jugak :)
review on stokke : xplory ni mmg bulky. maka yg naik kereta kecik seperti kami ni, stroller ni duduk kat seat yer. tp puas hati. sbb gorgeous sgt. and dia bleh jadi cm high chair jugak. quality material mmg superb.
review on mothercare BSC : hoih ni lah mothercare paling best skali kt KL. luas, staffs sume baik2, very helpful. maybe sbb tempat org kaya2 kot, eh. ada nursing room sndri. and tak crowded, tu penting.
April 15, 2012
April 13, 2012
April 6, 2012
slow weight gain
yesterday, hubs and I brought vivy to HKL sbb dah buat appointment dgn paed kat sana.
actually kitaorg ade referral letter from paed in ipoh, sebab masa check vivy jatuh katil dlu, doc tu concern psl berat vivy naik sikit sgt. fyi berat die masa lahir was 2.7kg, so doc kata normally babies will gain 1kg every month, tp vivy naik sikit sgt like 400g, huhu my petite babyyy.

mana2 kitaorg gi pun, bila ada org tegur tanya vivy berapa bulan, almost semua org akan cakap, eh dah 4 bulan, keciknyaaaaaaaaaa. kecik tu jugak la hati mommy die yg mendengar. sobs.
so the result is, alhamdulillah, vivy ok je, sihat. cuma die minum sikit dr yg sepatutnya. fyi for every feeding kitaorg buat 3oz, die minum mesti ade balance 0.5oz cmtuh. so paed HKL soal siasat macam2, last2 die nasihatkan kitaorg always burp kan vivy after every feeding, let her play like half an hour then only put her on sleep. okay, kitaorg admit mmg jarang burp kan vivy, sebab dia suuuusah sangat nak burp, gosok la belakang tu for half an hour pun silap2 x burp lagi. kadang2 lepas minum, die tido, bangun tido tu baru burp, haha, boleh?
i asked the doc, cmne nak tau if usus die ke ade problem nak absorb the milk ke, doc just geleng2 and said, vivy poo poo once in 2 days regularly, stool pun cair je, so from that we know that usus sume okay je. sbb ade baby yg poo poo once in 3 days, and tu pun consider as normal. okay mommy, stop worrying too much +___+
sekarang berat vivy 4.75kg, at 4 months 3 weeks. dlm graf naik je, just tersasar ke zon kuning sbb weight gain tu sket sgt. then i asked the paed if i can start introducing solid to vivy at 6 months walaupun thru my reading, berat baby kena doubled from her birth weight at 6 months before we can give solid, tapi dah tanya 2 doc, both in HKL and private, they said i still can start giving solid to vivy once she's 6 months old, sbb thru the check-ups, she can control her head very well, she also can sit well with support, so everything looks good, alhamdulillah..
but another 2 months kitaorg kene jumpa nutritionist kat HKL ni, nk follow up kot.
another 1 month plus, pastu mommy kena rajin2 buat bubur kat vivy, excited ! hihi. semoga vivy membesar dgn cemerlang after start solid nanti aminnn
oh btw, paed kat HKL best ! lembut je, tanya pun details, and the most important thing, the doc listened to me when i was explaining, bukan tetiba nak marah2 je, mcm doc kat O&G tu huhhh, u can refer to this entry.
actually kitaorg ade referral letter from paed in ipoh, sebab masa check vivy jatuh katil dlu, doc tu concern psl berat vivy naik sikit sgt. fyi berat die masa lahir was 2.7kg, so doc kata normally babies will gain 1kg every month, tp vivy naik sikit sgt like 400g, huhu my petite babyyy.

mana2 kitaorg gi pun, bila ada org tegur tanya vivy berapa bulan, almost semua org akan cakap, eh dah 4 bulan, keciknyaaaaaaaaaa. kecik tu jugak la hati mommy die yg mendengar. sobs.
so the result is, alhamdulillah, vivy ok je, sihat. cuma die minum sikit dr yg sepatutnya. fyi for every feeding kitaorg buat 3oz, die minum mesti ade balance 0.5oz cmtuh. so paed HKL soal siasat macam2, last2 die nasihatkan kitaorg always burp kan vivy after every feeding, let her play like half an hour then only put her on sleep. okay, kitaorg admit mmg jarang burp kan vivy, sebab dia suuuusah sangat nak burp, gosok la belakang tu for half an hour pun silap2 x burp lagi. kadang2 lepas minum, die tido, bangun tido tu baru burp, haha, boleh?
i asked the doc, cmne nak tau if usus die ke ade problem nak absorb the milk ke, doc just geleng2 and said, vivy poo poo once in 2 days regularly, stool pun cair je, so from that we know that usus sume okay je. sbb ade baby yg poo poo once in 3 days, and tu pun consider as normal. okay mommy, stop worrying too much +___+
sekarang berat vivy 4.75kg, at 4 months 3 weeks. dlm graf naik je, just tersasar ke zon kuning sbb weight gain tu sket sgt. then i asked the paed if i can start introducing solid to vivy at 6 months walaupun thru my reading, berat baby kena doubled from her birth weight at 6 months before we can give solid, tapi dah tanya 2 doc, both in HKL and private, they said i still can start giving solid to vivy once she's 6 months old, sbb thru the check-ups, she can control her head very well, she also can sit well with support, so everything looks good, alhamdulillah..
but another 2 months kitaorg kene jumpa nutritionist kat HKL ni, nk follow up kot.
another 1 month plus, pastu mommy kena rajin2 buat bubur kat vivy, excited ! hihi. semoga vivy membesar dgn cemerlang after start solid nanti aminnn
oh btw, paed kat HKL best ! lembut je, tanya pun details, and the most important thing, the doc listened to me when i was explaining, bukan tetiba nak marah2 je, mcm doc kat O&G tu huhhh, u can refer to this entry.
April 3, 2012

masa pregnant, hubs and i mmg tekad nak keraskan hati kalau ade sesape suggest nk letak vivy dlm buaian, dgn alasan nak kasi tidur lama. sbb thru our readings, more bad stories than the good ones.
lepas habis pantang, we sent vivy to my parents in law's house, so MIL can take care of her while we're working. masa dlm pantang lagi i knew that vivy mmg tidur sekejap2 je, tu pun kena dukung tepuk2 kat bahu, kalau letak je kat bwh terus bangun. tapi sbb sendiri yg jaga, mmg tak kesah, walaupun lenguh2 bahu, nak makan pun tak boleh, nak gi toilet pun berlari2. sbb anak sendiri kan, so mmg tak kisah. tapi, nak bagi org lain jaga, kita pun tak sampai hati nak susahkan orang. takkan sebab vivy nanti my MIL takleh wat kerja lain lgsg kan.
1st week hantar vivy asyik la mengamuk. haha ni panjang jgk cite nye. sampai bwk ke klinik, hospital ngn jumpa ustaz. tp kesimpulannya kalau bwk jumpa doc, takde reason lain la selain colic. sbb check yg lain sume ok je. tanya ustaz pun dia kata takde pape pun budak ni, biasa laa baby... tapi tu la, sbb taknak susahkan org, kami pun beralah.. beli la buaian..
so berbuai la vivy tiap2 hari. pastu timbul plak masalah lain. dia nak sentiasa berbuai kalau tido. klu stop je dia terjaga. hahaha banyak cengkadak sket aa budak kecik ni. tapi biasa laa, baby... so MIL suarakan la lagi senang kalau ada buaian elektrik tu. setelah berbincang laki bini, dgn berat hatinya kami pun beli la, tp bkn yg dlm gambar atas tu, lain sket bentuk butterfly. berat hati sbb pike kan risiko nye (ok fine, mak die mmg suke risau lebih2), lagi satu berat hati sbb mahal benda tu hahaha, almost rm200, belum masuk besi nak gantung tu, yg tu pun 100 something wooo
vivy mmg tido lama sket kalau dlm buaian. tp bukan masuk2 terus tido. kena buai nyanyi2 twinkle2 little star byk2 kali baru tido. taktau la. kadang2 rasa nak berhenti keje je jaga anak sendiri, tapi kita hidup di bumi yg nyata, kalau hubs sorang nak sara satu family, tak merasa la nak pakai baju baru, nak makan kat luar etc. so tawakal jela, redha. bak kata my biras (suami dia yg cakap sbnrnye), kita nak antar anak kat org lain suruh jaga, kena redha, sbb org lain jaga takkan sama dgn kita jaga, so redha, asalkan baby sihat dan selamat, doa banyak2, InsyaAllah..
March 30, 2012
Pre-loved Medela Freestyle Breastpump to let go (UPDATED : SOLD OUT)

Medela Freestyle Electric Portable Breast Pump with Calma Teat
Product information
- Freestyle Breastpump with 2 phase expression, the only research-based breast pump technology to mimic a baby's natural nursing rhythm
- The Freestyle is the world's smallest high performance electric breastpump which gives a mother more time and flexibility to express milk when convenient for her
- 2 phase technology gives more milk in less time, generates maximum milk flow, natural like breastfeeding, comfortable for the mum as it is more gentle on the breast
- Single and double pumping
- Includes: 4 x 150ml bottles with 1 x calma teat, breast pump, 2 x bottle stands, motor unit, 4 bottle lids and disc, 2 x bottle cap, cooler bag and 2 x breast shields
- Bought in Mothercare London by a friend
- Used less than 2 months
- Very well maintained, so the condition is excellent, like a new one
- I'm selling the full set EXCEPT the citystyle bag
- It comes with a calma teat
- Calma is the only scientific based feeding device that helps to support the similar sucking behaviour of the baby at the breast
- Calma requires a similar sucking behaviour to breastfeeding using the tongue to create a vacuum making it easier for babies to switch between breast and Calma
- The first and only teat to be introduced during breastfeeding to support the similar sucking behaviour of the baby at the breast
So, please drop me an e-mail at dibdiba@hotmail.com if you're interested.
March 26, 2012
the gold experience : chapter#2
ok la jom sambung.
dipendekkan cerita, nk dekat kol 4pm cmtu, nurse panggil cakap nak induce dah. siap tanye kat nurse lg "ehh kate nk induce kol 4? ni blom lg ni?" hahaha bengong cuak.
induce tu adalah die pasang drip, and cucuk ubat kt dlm tu. elok2 nurse dah habis pasang drip, hubs pun sampai, legaaaaaaa sgt2 dgr suara dia kat luar labor room tu. nurse kate kang kalau tak tahan sakit, panggil dia, nanti dia kasi pain killer, "bila dah cucuk pain killer tu awak akan rasa lega dan mengantuk, time tu bleh la tido sejam rehatkan badan"...oh dlm hati lega lagi, siap cakap kat hubs aa kejap lg pegi la dinner dlu smntara daku tidur..
tak lama lepas kene induce, die start sakit yg sangat sakit tu, tahan tahan tahan sampai tak tahan, panggil nurse, dia bagi la pain killer tu, pitocine kot nama dia. tunggu punya tunggu tak mengantuk2 pun???? hahahaha demmm tak berkesan lgsg okkey. tp sbb kesian kat hubs, suruh la dia turun gi makan jgk, so tahan la sakit sorg2. mata dah basah2 dah sbb tak tahan sakit sgt. lepas hubs dinner, dia naik balik ke labor room, genggam tangan kasi support kat wife dia ni, tak berkesannnnn jgk. suruh hubs panggil nurse. "nurse saya nak epidural sekarang jugak !".. nurse jwb..."maaf puan, kami tak provide epidural kat sini"..... demmmmm time tu rasa hilang semangat terus huhuhu.
sakit gila2 sampai merepek2 suruh hubs panggil doc suruh operate, hubs kate kenapa nak c-zer, tahan la sikit lagi...panggil nurse lagi skali, tanya pain killer apa lagi yg ada, huhu. last2 nurse tu kasi laughing gas. tak mengurangkan kesakitan pun. tapi gas ni kasi kita mamai. lalok. sebab lepas tu ako meracau2, merayu2 minta tolong dr Allah (T___T), mintak kurangkan kesakitan yg ako alami time tu. baju hubs pon da renyuk2 dah. sbb tiap2 kali contraction tu dtg, ako peluk dia kuat2 hukhukhuk, hubs pun bisik2 kat telinga suruh sabar sambil kiss dahi hukhukhuk.
sampai la satu tahap, sakit sgt smpi nk kencing, so tiap2 kali contraction tu dtg mmg terkencing, bila nurse dtg, cakap kat dia, "nurse, mintak maap, saya dah terkencing atas katil ni". pastu die jwb " Puan Adibah, awak nak kencing ke nak berak ke atas katil ni saya tak kisah" sobsobsob.
time tu dah almost 8pm, bila ako rasa nak meneran. contraction dtg je ako terkencing sambil tahan diri dr meneran. sbb takut bukaan tak cukup lg. tapi tak tahan sgt2 dah then suruh hubs panggil nurse. nurse pun dtg dan check. "ok dah 9cm, dah bleh push"..ya Allah time tu hilang kejap sakit, sebab legaaaaaaa sgt dgr dah 9cm. boleh tak time tu doc tak sampai lagi? nasib baik dah nak sampai tempat parking. so bila doc dtg, dia ajar la cara2 nak push, which is ako dgr tak dgr je sbb tgh lalok disebabkan oleh laughing gas tu. ako dgr la ape yg doc tu cakap, tp ako taleh concentrate. plus sbb dah lama sgt sakit, mmg xde daya sgt aa nk push tu. last2 kena vacuum..
so keluar la puteri sulungku itu, keluar2 je tali pusat dah terbelit 2 kali kat leher, Alhamdulillah takde pape. keluar2 je terus nangis nyaring gilaaaaaa haha. yg ako and hubs terpinga2. mcm tak percaya je baby yg ditunggu2 selama 38 minggu tu dah keluar...
so while hubs keluar azankan baby, doc pun start la operasi menjahit. sbb contraction yg ako alami almost 20 hours tu maha menyakitkan..so jahit menjahit tu x rase pape dah. dah siap jahit, nurse selimutkan my whole body, tapi ako menggigil2 yg xleh control walaupun selimut tu dah cukup tebal dah. mintak selimut extra kat nurse sbb menggigil2 sampai bergegar2 la katil tu rasanya. nurse kata badan tgh nak adjust metabolisme la ape la whatever.
so akhirnye dapat la masuk wad. dpt bilik sorang. malam tu takleh tido. busy update facebook. ahahaha. takleh tidur sbb rasa tak percaya, yg akhirnya ako berjaya mengharungi kesakitan tu, dan excited, coz i'm officially a mother :)
dipendekkan cerita, nk dekat kol 4pm cmtu, nurse panggil cakap nak induce dah. siap tanye kat nurse lg "ehh kate nk induce kol 4? ni blom lg ni?" hahaha bengong cuak.
induce tu adalah die pasang drip, and cucuk ubat kt dlm tu. elok2 nurse dah habis pasang drip, hubs pun sampai, legaaaaaaa sgt2 dgr suara dia kat luar labor room tu. nurse kate kang kalau tak tahan sakit, panggil dia, nanti dia kasi pain killer, "bila dah cucuk pain killer tu awak akan rasa lega dan mengantuk, time tu bleh la tido sejam rehatkan badan"...oh dlm hati lega lagi, siap cakap kat hubs aa kejap lg pegi la dinner dlu smntara daku tidur..
tak lama lepas kene induce, die start sakit yg sangat sakit tu, tahan tahan tahan sampai tak tahan, panggil nurse, dia bagi la pain killer tu, pitocine kot nama dia. tunggu punya tunggu tak mengantuk2 pun???? hahahaha demmm tak berkesan lgsg okkey. tp sbb kesian kat hubs, suruh la dia turun gi makan jgk, so tahan la sakit sorg2. mata dah basah2 dah sbb tak tahan sakit sgt. lepas hubs dinner, dia naik balik ke labor room, genggam tangan kasi support kat wife dia ni, tak berkesannnnn jgk. suruh hubs panggil nurse. "nurse saya nak epidural sekarang jugak !".. nurse jwb..."maaf puan, kami tak provide epidural kat sini"..... demmmmm time tu rasa hilang semangat terus huhuhu.
sakit gila2 sampai merepek2 suruh hubs panggil doc suruh operate, hubs kate kenapa nak c-zer, tahan la sikit lagi...panggil nurse lagi skali, tanya pain killer apa lagi yg ada, huhu. last2 nurse tu kasi laughing gas. tak mengurangkan kesakitan pun. tapi gas ni kasi kita mamai. lalok. sebab lepas tu ako meracau2, merayu2 minta tolong dr Allah (T___T), mintak kurangkan kesakitan yg ako alami time tu. baju hubs pon da renyuk2 dah. sbb tiap2 kali contraction tu dtg, ako peluk dia kuat2 hukhukhuk, hubs pun bisik2 kat telinga suruh sabar sambil kiss dahi hukhukhuk.
sampai la satu tahap, sakit sgt smpi nk kencing, so tiap2 kali contraction tu dtg mmg terkencing, bila nurse dtg, cakap kat dia, "nurse, mintak maap, saya dah terkencing atas katil ni". pastu die jwb " Puan Adibah, awak nak kencing ke nak berak ke atas katil ni saya tak kisah" sobsobsob.
time tu dah almost 8pm, bila ako rasa nak meneran. contraction dtg je ako terkencing sambil tahan diri dr meneran. sbb takut bukaan tak cukup lg. tapi tak tahan sgt2 dah then suruh hubs panggil nurse. nurse pun dtg dan check. "ok dah 9cm, dah bleh push"..ya Allah time tu hilang kejap sakit, sebab legaaaaaaa sgt dgr dah 9cm. boleh tak time tu doc tak sampai lagi? nasib baik dah nak sampai tempat parking. so bila doc dtg, dia ajar la cara2 nak push, which is ako dgr tak dgr je sbb tgh lalok disebabkan oleh laughing gas tu. ako dgr la ape yg doc tu cakap, tp ako taleh concentrate. plus sbb dah lama sgt sakit, mmg xde daya sgt aa nk push tu. last2 kena vacuum..
so keluar la puteri sulungku itu, keluar2 je tali pusat dah terbelit 2 kali kat leher, Alhamdulillah takde pape. keluar2 je terus nangis nyaring gilaaaaaa haha. yg ako and hubs terpinga2. mcm tak percaya je baby yg ditunggu2 selama 38 minggu tu dah keluar...
so while hubs keluar azankan baby, doc pun start la operasi menjahit. sbb contraction yg ako alami almost 20 hours tu maha menyakitkan..so jahit menjahit tu x rase pape dah. dah siap jahit, nurse selimutkan my whole body, tapi ako menggigil2 yg xleh control walaupun selimut tu dah cukup tebal dah. mintak selimut extra kat nurse sbb menggigil2 sampai bergegar2 la katil tu rasanya. nurse kata badan tgh nak adjust metabolisme la ape la whatever.
so akhirnye dapat la masuk wad. dpt bilik sorang. malam tu takleh tido. busy update facebook. ahahaha. takleh tidur sbb rasa tak percaya, yg akhirnya ako berjaya mengharungi kesakitan tu, dan excited, coz i'm officially a mother :)
March 23, 2012
Pre-loved Avent Manual Breast Pump
bila nak sambung episod 2?
malas nk tulis panjang2. vivy dah setahun pun silap2 x abes lg entry beranak ahahaha.